L’Observateur : Ridin’ Bareback Edition

The other day on the way back from the mint patch, we saw a caballero riding bareback – and by that I mean with his shirt off – trying to lasso a pony.

A man calling himself Doctor Taranzo is now the governor of the state of San Luis Potosí. I wonder if he’s ever been to see Doctor Arroyo.

I got caught in a downpour in Matehuala with three-quarters of the Benvenuti clan and an 8-year-old Huichol named Tutuwi who hopes to one day become a shaman. This is remarkable only because when the rain came, everyone and their madre scampered for the gazebo in the middle of the plaza, except Tutuwi, who ran the opposite direction and hunkered down in some bushes.

I was looking for magnets in Matehuala and never found any. Then, when I got home, I realized there was a magnet inside the packaging of the Maille dijon mustard I bought to stave off withdrawal.

Minimum wage in Mexico is 55 pesos a day. (About $4.25)

In Spanish, the word for Eskimo is esquimal and the word for ski is esquí. I never made the connection.


  1. I would like to take this opportunity to say that Maille dijon is indeed terrific.

  2. does that mean eskimos ski badly?
