About a month before leaving Austin, some jerkwad stole my cherished Madwagon bicycle from behind my house. Ever defiant, I went and bought a new one. Two weeks later the new one got stolen from outside a friend’s house. After our arrival in Paris, we shopped high and low for good used bikes, but ended up settling on some cheap new ones at the Decathlon sports store around the corner.
Today, I had just finished playing tennis with my buddy Matt when, instead of getting on our bikes and riding to our respective homes, we decided to go for a quick coffee. When I came back thirty minutes later, the bike was gone. I had it for all of two months and two days.
In case you’re keeping score at home, that makes
I mean, what are the chances?
Not that I’m PISSED OFF or anything. The only solace I can take in the whole thing is dividing the cost of the bike by the number of days I had it, and coming up with the figure: $3.78 per day “rental,” which isn’t bad considering a round-trip Metro ticket costs 3 euros, or $4.50.
Damn them! My bike was stolen too from the bike racks in front of PCL. 'Tis the season